Alphabetical Order by Author

Kim Addonizio
Interview: A Conversation with Kim Addonizio (Winter 2013)

Jonathan Alfi
I Am Soap Scum Cleaner Building Like Soap Scum (Spring 2013)
Prime (Spring 2013)

Nin Andrews
Notes on the Town of the Bitch (Fall 2011)
The Empty Love Sack (Fall 2011)

Sally Armstrong Gradle
Form (Spring 2013)

Carl Auerbach
Innocence (Spring 2013)

Timothy Baker
Drunken Eskimo Game (Spring 2012)

Magdalena Ball
Murmuration (Spring 2013)

Marvin Bell
The Book of the Dead Man (Drugs) (Winter 2010)

Joe Benevento
Hallene’s Christmas Call (Spring 2010)

Michael Blaine
Orange Glo (Spring 2010)

Jen Blair
Late (Spring 2010)

Deanie Blank
Cooking Cream of Wheat (Spring 2010)

Michelle Bonczek
Blessings (Spring 2013)
Crossing Ramapo River (Spring 2013)

Beau Boudreaux
Whitefish Bay (Winter 2013)

Chanel Brenner
Your Permanent Tooth (Winter

John F. Buckley
The Books of Hazard (Spring 2011)

Cara Burke
Poem (Spring 2010)

Rick Bursky
The Science of Revision (Winter 2011)


Mary Cafferty
Dream Shapes (Winter 2013)

Trevor Scott Carlson
April (Winter 2013)

Neil Carpathios
Death: A Great Invention (Spring 2010)

Perrin Carrell
ELEPHANT (Spring 2011)

Sarah Certa
Mirage (Fall 2012)

Micah Chatterton
Self-Hypnosis (Spring 2012)

Billy Collins
A Conversation with Billy Collins (Fall 2009)

Brendan Constantine
New Math (Winter 2012)
Last Night I Went To the Map of the World and I Have Messages for You(Winter 2012)

Vanessa Cross-Napolitano
Octopus Loves You Fall (2011)

Melissa Cundieff-Pexa
Postscript (Winter 2012)
Dear Richard Hugo, (Winter 2012)


J.P. Dancing Bear
Personal (Winter 2012)

Jim Daniels
Insomnia Heartbeat (Winter 2013)

Jaydn DeWald
This is This (Winter 2011)

Nandini Dhar
Undoing (Winter 2012)

Matthew Dickman
Interview: A Conversation with Matthew Dickman (Spring 2012)
Country Music (Spring 2012)
The Cows of Point Reyes (Spring 2012)

Gary Dop
You Can Call Me Al (Spring 2010)

Larry Ebby
The Merchant (Spring 2012)

Mary Echlin
Omen (Fall 2012)

Carol Ellis
Hubcaps (Winter 2011)

Benjamin Evans
Contemp Rural (Winter 2011)


Joseph Ferguson
Bigger and Better Things (Winter 2010)

David Filer
OBSERVATION (Winter 2010)

James Francis
Doodles Doodled While Talking On The Phone (Spring 2013)

Anton Frost
Last Home (Spring 2013)


Kate Gale
A Conversation with Kate Gale (Winter 2010)

Amy Gerstler
Interview: A Conversation with Amy Gerstler (Winter 2012)

Amy Gijsbers van Wijk
Rainwater (Fall 2010)

Betsabe Gomez
Being Twins is a Mistake (Winter 2013)

Brent Goodman
My Head Is Not a Clown Car (Fall 2010)

C.L. Grellas
April Visit to the Nursing Home (Fall 2009)

John Grey
While Wondering How Much the Family House Will Fetch (Winter 2010)

Will Grofic
Gum Cemetery (Spring 2010)

Melissa Guillet
A Glimpse of Eclipse (Winter 2010)


Ken Haas
For The Headless (Spring 2013)
Sleeping In The Crack (Spring 2013)

Sam Hamill
Edible Earth (Spring 2010)

Mary Kennan Herbert
High Noon (Fall 2010)

Suzanne Marie Hopcroft
Why I Jumped That Ship (Winter 2012)

Paul Hostovsky
Fishing Vest (Spring 2013)
In The Home For Elderly Vehicular Manslaughterers By The Sea (Spring 2013)
Kiss (Winter 2010)

Daniel Hudon
The Rape (Winter 2011)

A.J. Huffman
A Dream of Sudden Death (Spring 2011)
Changing Faces (Spring 2011)

Christina Hutchins
Crossing the Bridge (Winter 2012)


Lindsay Illich
What He Did With the Moon Tonight (Spring 2011)

Sabrina Ito
Geraniums (Winter 2011)

William J. Joel
Lexicography (Spring 2010)

Daniel John
The Dance of God (Fall 2012)
That Kiss (Fall 2012)

Brad Johnson
Midlife Crisis (or: Buy the Convertible) (Fall 2012)
The Spanish Steps (Fall 2012)

Peycho Kanev
A Moment (Fall 2011)
Eternal Circle (Fall 2012)
Slow Song (Fall 2012)
The Whale (Fall 2011)

Rachel Kann
(Winter 2011)

Timothy Kercher
I Wish I Were a Japanese Cow (Fall 2011)
Ménage à Trois (Fall 2011)

Joshua Kight
Like the Hindu (Winter 2010)

Amy J. Kitchell-Leighty
After Reading Denise Duhamel’s Poem “Lines” (Fall 2009)

Deborah Kreuze
Why I Am and Am Not from Your Planet (Fall 2010)


Michael Lauchlan
Usual (Spring 2012)

Barbara F. Lefcowitz
The Museum of Jokes (Winter 2010)

Reb Livingston
A Conversation with Reb Livingston (Winter 2011)
Litany for the Wrong Bygone (Winter 2011)
Litany for Thy Talents (Winter 2011)

Joanne Lowery
After the Invasion (Fall 2011)
Rotation (Fall 2011)
Sleeping on the Roof (Spring 2010)

Lou Ann Lucas
Modern Enough? (Fall 2010)

Lindsay Lusby
Studies in Still-Life (Fall 2011)
Vespers (Fall 2011)


M.G. Martin
A Sonnet Full of Orange Juice (Winter 2013)

Neil McCarthy
That fine line between mayonnaise and death (Spring 2011)

John McKernan
I Loved Saying My Father’s Name (Winter 2011)

Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco
Heartbeat  (Winter 2013)
Transparent (Winter 2013)

Rita Meacham
Deep in the Belly of Me (Spring 2010)

Shivani Mehta
A word for god (Spring 2012)
Dear Grandmamma (Spring 2012)

Caroline Misner
Patch of Green (Spring 2013)

Mark J. Mitchell
A Test (Winter 2012)

Sheryl L. Nelms

Shrine of Saint Rita (Spring 2010)

Jacqueline Newman-Speiser
Pain and Mirror (Fall 2010)

Fred Ostrander
Sand Journey (Winter 2013)

Martin Ott
The Books of Hazard (Spring 2011)

Michael J Pagan

Tablescapes (Winter 2013)

Taylor Jacob Pate

sideways rain (Winter 2012)

Simon Perchik
You Fold This Sweater (Winter 2013)
It Was A Gull (Winter 2013)

Chris Pexa
It Takes More Than a Robin to Make Winter Cold (Winter 2012)

Charles Rafferty
A Rapture That Followed August Rain (Winter 2011)

Christopher Rager
A Western Night (Fall 2010)

Orlando Ramirez
The Zero Days (Fall 2010)

Charles Ramsay Mccrory
Shoes (Spring 2013)
D & C (Spring 2013)

Ann Robinson
At the Orchid Pavilion (Spring 2013)

Rikki Rodgers
The Second Person (Spring 2011)

Daniel Romo
Trek (Winter 2012)

Jay Rubin
Vasica (Spring 2011)

Jana Russ
Heading for the River (Fall 2009)
The House is Always White
(Fall 2009)

Aleah Sato
Recovery Wife (Fall 2010)

David Scronce
16th and Mission (Fall 2012)
A Wish (Fall 2012)

Don Share
Interview:A Coversation with Don Share (Fall 2012)

Sarah Sloat
Everything is Taking Entirely Too Long (Spring 2012)

Ephraim Scott Sommers

Barry Spacks
Fun & Games (Fall 2012)

Andrea Spofford
Morro Bay Harbor
(Fall 2012)

Ron Spurga
An Artist Glued in a Stuck Factory (Spring 2010)

Janice Wilson Stridick
Explaining the Urn on the Dining Room Cabinet (Fall 2011)

Dariel Suarez
Choosing the Animals (Winter 2011)

Chad Sweeney
Bolivia (Fall 2010)


Kristen Tauer
Your Deal (Winter 2013)

Brent Terry
Rancid, Gladys (Winter 2013)

Quincy Troupe
Interview: A Conversation with Quincy Troupe (Spring 2010)
Finding the Art of Lost Faith (Spring 2010)

Barbara Louise Ungar

Interview: A Conversation with Barbara Louise Ungar (Fall 2011)
Against Disneyland (Fall 2011)
Lost Hat Karma (Fall 2011)
Why There Aren’t More Poems About Toddlers (Fall 2011)

Mitchell Untch
The Woman in the Mint Green Skirt (Spring 2011)


Leigh Vandebogart
for Olivia (Winter 2011)


Wang Ping
Things That Matter Catch Us by Surprise (Winter 2010)

Charles Harper Webb
AM I FOUR TODAY, DADDY? (Spring 2011)

Don Welch
Near the End of Our Long War (Spring 2010)

Michael J. Whelan
Trinity Redux (Winter 2011)

Allison Whittenberg
Life Slips (Fall 2010)

Kim Young
A Conversation with Kim Young (Spring 2013)

Changming Yuan
Mushroom (Spring 2011)

Rachel Zucker
A Conversation with Rachel Zucker (Fall 2010)

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