Mathieu Cailler
Fiction | Quickenings
Chelsea Catherine
Nonfiction | Pockets and Corners
Frannie McMillan
Poetry | July 4th
Bonnie Watts
Poetry | What
Carol Guess
Drama | The Incident
Emily Townsend
Nonfiction | The Innocent Non-Threatening White Young Woman
Lucas Cardona
Fiction | My Magazine Life
Michael Seeger
Poetry | Passing Storm
Carolyn Núr Wistrand
Drama | Watchwomen
D. Gilson
Nonfiction | Last Will and Testament: A Mad Lib
David Starkey
Poetry | Five Arguments in Favor of My Beatification
Art Hanlon
Fiction | East China Sea
Nels Hanson
Poetry | Calendar
Elizabeth Bruno
Poetry | Skinny-Dipping
Stephen Elliott
Fiction | Los Angeles Stories
Andrea Hoag
Nonfiction | Our Breasts: A Love Story
Carolyn Supinka
Poetry | First (Found) Fig
Stephanie Kaplan Cohen
Poetry | Suicide
Valerie Miner
Fiction | LA Fourmi Faim
Danielle Joy Foley
Poetry | The Beginning and The End: A Love Poem with 2 Parts
Bonnie Lykes
Nonficiton | Developing World
Liska Jacobs
Interview | TCR Talks with Liska Jacobs
The Coachella Review is a literary arts journal published by the University of California, Riverside–Palm Desert Low Residency MFA in Creative Writing & Writing for the Performing Arts.