In My Spanish Speaking Mouth by Lisbeth Coiman

By Lisbeth Coiman

I love you in Spanish

because in my mouth your name sounds thick like honey

A slow drip down my thighs


Each vowel open                    accented

marking the syllables like a poem in Braille

My fingers sliding softly on your chiseled biceps


with dexterity on the darkness of your skin

The rhotic erres roll from the tip of my tongue

onto your robust legs


After a pause               they produce a trill

My voice quavering    laughter           relish

calls your name with diagraphic elles


Spell love with the friction eñes

in the palate of your mouth                while I remain on your bed

fricative like the ache in the hollowness of your absence



Lisbeth Coiman is an author, poet, educator, cultural worker, and rezandera. Coiman’s wanderlust spirit landed her in three countries, from her birthplace in Venezuela, to Canada, and finally to the United States, where she self-published her first book, I Asked the Blue Heron: A Memoir (2017). Her poetry and personal essays are featured in the online publications: La Bloga, Entropy, The Acentos Review, Lady/Liberty/Lit, Nailed Magazine, Hip Mama, Rabid Oak, Cultural Weekly, and Resonancias, and in print media: SpectrumAltadena Literary Review, and Accolades: A Women Who Submit Anthology. Coiman is an avid hiker and an English as a Second Language teacher living in Los Angeles, California. You can find her on her website at